Getting startedConfigurationFAQ


Just like webpack, the heart of Antwar, also Antwar has been built on top of configuration.

antwar.config.js describes how to map your content into a site. It ties layouts to the content and allows you to define custom pages where needed.


This is the configuration for this site. If you are used to working with JavaScript, most of this should look familiar.

const _ = require("lodash");
const moment = require("moment");
const generateAdjacent = require("./utils/generate-adjacent");

module.exports = () => ({
  template: {
    rss: {
      title: "Antwar",
      href: "/atom.xml",
  output: "build",
  layout: () => require("./layouts/SiteBody").default,
  paths: {
    "/": {
      content: () => require.context("./pages", true, /^\.\/.*\.md$/),
      layout: () => require("./layouts/Page").default,
      index: () => require("./layouts/SiteIndex").default,
      paths: {
        blog: {
          layout: () => require("./layouts/BlogPage").default,
          index: () => {
            const index = require("./layouts/SectionIndex").default;

            index.title = "Blog";

            return index;
          transform: pages =>
            generateAdjacent(_.sortBy(pages, "date")).reverse(),
          url: ({ fileName }) => `/${cleanBlogPath(fileName)}/`,
        docs: {
          layout: () => require("./layouts/DocsPage").default,
          index: () => {
            const index = require("./layouts/SectionIndex").default;

            index.title = "Documentation";

            return index;
          transform: pages =>
            _.sortBy(pages, page => page.file.attributes.sort),
    "404.html": () => require("./layouts/404").default,

function cleanBlogPath(resourcePath) {
  const parts = resourcePath.split("/");
  const beginning = parts.slice(0, -1);
  const end = _.trimStart(parts.slice(-1)[0], "0123456789-_");

  return beginning
    .replace(/ /g, "-")
    .replace(/_/g, "-");